Enrolment for the school year 2025/2026
Enrolment in the 1st classes of the 2025/2026 school year will be held from 3. 4. - 4. 4. 2025.
Registration of applications will be possible from 1. 3. 2025.
In the case questions please contact Ing. Pavla Kotašková, tel.: 386 801 507, e-mail: kotaskovap@c-budejovice.cz.
Information for parents who are considering postponement of compulsory school attendance for their children:
If the child is not physically or mentally adequately mature and if the child's legal guardian asks in writing at the time of enrolment (from 3/4/2025 to 4/4/2025) for postponement of compulsory school attendance, the school head postpones the start of compulsory school attendance by one school year if the application is supported by a recommendation from the relevant school guidance and counselling facility and a specialist doctor or clinical psychologist. The start of compulsory school attendance may be postponed until the beginning of the school year at the latest, in which the child reaches the age of eight.
How does enrolment in primary school work?
Issuance of applications
1/03/2025 - 2/04/2025
Catchment school
The place of permanent residence of the child is decisive for determining the catchment school
(§ 36 par. 5 of the Education Act).
Using the application listed here, it is possible to find out which primary school is catchment for a particular place of permanent residence of the child.
This GIS application contains data, valid from 03/14/2024.
Upozorňujeme, že v průběhu přijímacího řízení budou data nadále průběžně aktualizována.
Věk dítěte | Přihlášených dětí | Z města Českých Budějovic | Ve spádové škole | Mimo město |
8letí | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) |
7letí | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) |
6letí | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) |
5letí | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) |
Celkem dětí | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) | 0 ( 0 / 0 ) |
Poznámka: počet dětí celkem ( přijatých dětí / nepřijatých dětí / přijatých na jiné škole )
Objectives of this project
- providing parents with online information about the admission/non-admission of their child,
- simplifying the administration of primary school management,
- discovering information that a child is admitted to more than one primary school,
- finding information about children who have not been enrolled,
- providing feedback to the city and to the founder and other cooperating institutions.
How to prepare?
For registration applications it is possible to use any Internet browser supporting HTML5 standard such as MS Edge, Google Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Safari and others. The browser must not be disabled javascript and cookies files.
To print the request it is necessary to have a viewer of PDF files such as Adobe Reader, Foxit Reader.
Insurance number
Citizen Czech Republic or another EU/EEA/Switzerland state own health insurance card, on which the insured person's number (data 6) is stated, which is used to generate the application and for identification during the admission procedure to primary schools.
A child who is a foreigner outside the EU/EEA/Switzerland, may possess a similar green card, which is issued to insured persons of the ZP CR and also contains the number of the insured person.